“2020 Vision”

ground into grace


What do you want to release from 2019,

and what do you want to cultivate in 2020?


Today, as you practice yoga or dance in the kitchen, take a few moments to breathe deeply, extending your exhale a beat or two longer than your inhale. Simply ask: How do I want to feel in 2020? Trust whatever comes up. Then listen to this song (or any song that’s speaking to you right now), let yourself move however it wants to move, and connect with that feeling in your body.


Once you’ve moved and made a connection with your body, grab your favorite journal and pen, and write for 10-20 minutes, giving yourself grace to ground. Allow yourself to pause, reflect, and vision.

(Here’s your “2020 Vision” journaling playlist).


How does it feel – physically in your body, emotionally in your heart/gut – to slow down and nurture yourself?


  • What was your biggest realization or habit healed in 2019?

  • Name three practices that helped bring about that shift. (ex. Yoga, acupuncture, one unscheduled day per week, dancing, talk therapy, supplements, gratitude, a new belief, etc.)

  • What are you most proud of from 2019? Write 1-3 insights / accomplishments / completions. Review your victories. (ex. A marriage or a break-up, a firing or a new opportunity, a book or a baby. A re-frame of a negative belief totally counts here too!)

  • What actions and/or beliefs helped bring this about?


  • Pay attention to conversations that pull you in and the ones that turn you off. Notice any themes? (I’m always interested in what people have to say about creativity or overcoming adversity; I’m less interested in sports or the Kardashians).

  • I love hearing about people’s dreams – both the ones we have as we sleep and the dreams we have for our lives. Share Your Dreams… (it’s up you how you interpret the word dream).

  • How do you WANT TO FEEL in 2020? In body, mind, spirit?

  • If the next month/year/decade had a THEME or WORD, what would it be?
    (ex. Resilience, Pleasure, Grace, In-the-Flow).

dive deeper

  • Who are you when depleted?

  • Who are you when nourished?

  • Who do you want to be most of the time?

  • What steps and states will you commit to—cultivate habits around—to more fully embody this desired version of you?

  • To what will I say “No” to lead to a more genuine “Yes”?

Give yourself grace to cultivate how you want to FEEL.


Do you have a friend who would appreciate this “2020 Vision” journaling prompt? Please share.

~prompts adapted from Betsy B. Murphy, Elena Brower, and Rochelle Sheick.