Qoya Class

Qoya Class


Join me for a Virtual Qoya class to remember your essence as Wise, Wild, & Free.

You will receive an email with the Zoom link 30 minutes before class begins.

You will also receive a link to download our “Guide for Virtual Classes” PDF. If you have questions, email Leslie at proseandposes@gmail.com.

We’ll journal with our pens and our bodies. All you need is a space to move, good wifi, something to write with, and a willing heart.

QOYA is based on the idea that through movement, we remember. We remember, as women, our essence is wise wild and free.

WISE - Calls on the wisdom of yoga
WILD - The creative expression of dance
FREE - The freedom to feel pleasure in our bodies

These essences lead us to feel the sacred pulse of life, which we can express with greater clarity + joy.

To honor our time commitments, all sales are final, non-refundable, and non-transferable.

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In this Qoya class we’ll journal with our pens and bodies, dancing with the monthly theme. All you need is a space to move, good wifi, a pen and journal, and a willing heart.